4 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pertimbangan Wisata di Pulau Lombok dengan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani & Algoritma Genetika

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    Pulau Lombok memiliki pariwisata berupa keindahan alam dan kebudayaan yang menarik, sehingga juga mendapat tiga penghargaan pada World Halal Tourism Awards 2016 dengan faktor pertumbuhan kunjungan wisatawan sebesar 13% pada tahun tersebut. Adanya sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu wisatawan dalam menentukan keputusan perjalanan wisata mereka adalah wajib. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dengan logika Fuzzy Mamdani dan Algoritma Genetika dengan tujuan memberikan rekomendasi pariwisata.Logika Fuzzy Mamdani memberikan pertimbangan wisata berdasarkan 5 parameter (anggaran, rencana perjalanan, akomodasi, makanan dan minuman, serta biaya transportasi) yang kemudian menjadi 5 fungsi keanggotaan untuk membangun kombinasi aturan pada fuzzy dan menghasilkan keluaran berupa pertimbangan wisata, yaitu: Tidak Memungkinkan, Cukup Memungkinkan, dan Memungkinkan. Kombinasi lima fungsi keanggotaan tersebut, menghasilkan 10.080 aturan, yang digunakan untuk mengetahui seseorang memungkinkan, atau tidak untuk berwisata ke pulau Lombok dengan constrain parameter yang dimiliki, yang dibangkitkan dengan menggunakan fungsi Defuzzifikasi Mean of Max (MOM). Algortima Genetika digunakan dalam memberikan alokasi penggunaan budget yang optimal dalam berwisata di Pulau Lombok.Hasil pengujian dengan perhitungan manual dan model defuzzifikasi yang berbeda memiliki akurasi 100%.  Untuk implementasi Algoritma Genetika, aplikasi memperoleh alokasi anggaran optimal pada probabilitas crossover (pc) dan probabilitas mutasi (pm) dengan (pc) 0,7 dan (pm) 0,2. AbstractTourism in Lombok has an interesting culture, it makes Lombok got three awards at the 2016 World Halal Tourism Awards and became a growth factor for tourist visits by 13% that year. An application that can help tourists in determining travel decision is mandatory.The application developed with Mamdani Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm to provide tourism recommendations. The Fuzzy Mamdani Logic Method provides tourism considerations based on 5 parameters (budget, travel plans, accommodation, food and drinks, and transportation costs) which then become 5 membership functions to build a combination of rules on fuzzy and produce output in the form of tourism's considerations: Not Enable, Enough Enable, and Enable. The combination of the 5 membership functions constructed 10.080 fuzzy rules, that's used to know wheater tourists enables them to go to Lombok with the limitation that they have. The defuzzification used is the Mean of Max (MOM). Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used in providing optimal budget allocation in traveling on Lombok IslandThe results of testing with manual calculations and different defuzzification models have 100% accurate, the application of GA obtained optimal budget allocation on crossover probability (pc) and mutation probability (pm) combination with (pc) 0.7 and (pm) 0.2

    Fast pornographic image recognition using compact holistic features and multi-layer neural network

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    The paper presents an alternative fast pornographic image recognition using compact holistic features and multi-layer neural network (MNN). The compact holistic features of pornographic images, which are invariant features against pose and scale, is extracted by shape and frequency analysis on pornographic images under skin region of interests (ROIs). The main objective of this work is to design pornographic recognition scheme which not only can improve performances of existing methods (i.e., methods based on skin probability, scale invariant feature transform, eigenporn, and Multilayer-Perceptron and Neuro-Fuzzy (MP-NF)) but also can works fast for recognition. The experimental outcome display that our proposed system can improve 0.3% of accuracy and reduce 6.60% the false negative rate (FNR) of the best existing method (skin probability and eigenporn on YCbCr, SEP), respectively. Additionally, our proposed method also provides almost similar robust performances to the MP-NF on large size dataset. However, our proposed method needs short recognition time by about 0.021 seconds per image for both tested datasets